Est. 1997 Sydney

Water Colour Portrait Demonstration
October 17, 2018
Dee Jackson is a water-colourist and has been creating and selling commissioned portraits from life and photographic images for the last 18 years. Most of her portraiture are commissioned via the web throughout Australia as well as in the UK, USA, Sweden, South Africa, New Zealand, Singapore and Vietnam. Often photographic images are the only source from which she uses to create realistic portraits.
Watercolour is her great love - “It is the fluid spontaneity that attracts me”. As a medium watercolour lends itself to the softness and curves of the human form. It allows the artist great freedom.
Dee has had a number of Exhibitions of her works including Doug Moran National Portrait Prize 2014, Australian Federal Parliament House Canberra 2012 & 2009, The Embassy of Australia Washington DC USA 2014, just to name a few (please check for an extensive list of achievements).
Dee will show you how to look at composition as well as the shadows (value) and shapes (proportion) that make up a recognisable portrait. She will also demonstrate how to measure facial features, eyes, nose, mouth etc. and illustrate expression. How a simple shape can create emotion and convey a life-like appearance. There will be a live model as Dee has requested for the demonstration.
Any further details please contact
Oil Painting Workshop
September 29, 2018
Robyn has bush walked extensively over her 40 year career as a visual artist and still walks several times a week. Her real love is traveling to remote areas – wilderness subjects and areas of difficult access being her special niche. Studio work by definition, can be very limiting in its inspiration if time is not taken to absorb the energy of the natural world. Love of walking takes her to some very special and isolated places – most too long in distance to carry heavy painting gear – enjoying the interpretation of special moments that only a camera can capture. The interplay of light and shadow or the unraveling of a complex pattern on water, the fleeting moment of a cliff turning purple in the late light, are all the type of moments difficult to capture convincingly without a camera at the ready. But it is the human element of re-composing the subject and the interpretation of the image in a new way that creates a painting over a photograph.
Oil Painting Demonstration
August 15, 2018
At the young age of fourteen, John Perkins joined Henry Rousal as an apprentice sign-writer. This
is where he met a well-known portrait artist Roy Rousel and a pub mirror artist Stan Denford, both
of whom cultivated John's early interest in and love for art.
John was tutored by Graeme Inson using the Meldrum Principals of Tonal Impressionism.
John has become a well-known artist with his work represented both nationally and internationally.
John has work currently displaying in the City of Sydney Library and many Municipal Council and
private collections in Boston, England, New Zealand and Carmel, California.
John is widely recognised as a Traditional Oil artist specialising in Still Life and Landscape
paintings, he has, however, over the years pursued various other subjects- this has led to him
being renowned for his Marine and Streetscape paintings.
John is a Fellow and President of the Royal Art Society of NSW and is sought after by Art
Societies and private organisers for his demonstrations.
John has tutored at Charles Sturt University in Bathurst, Grafton Artsfest, the University of
Western Sydney (Richmond Campus) and at the Combined Art Society of Sydney's 'Art in Action'.
John is a Life Member and former President of Drummoyne Art Society. John was also the
Inaugural President of the Combined Art Societies of Sydney

August 19, 2018
LAS members: $20 x 6 = $120 / Non LAS members: $25 x 6 = $150 Individual sessions: LAS members= $30 / Non Las members= $35
For the first time, Liverpool Art Society is introducing Digital Artist Workshops using Procreate at the Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre.
Learn to draw and paint on your iPad through detailed instruction and practice using the Procreate app. These 2 hour weekly workshops will provide a step by step guide through screen sharing, projector and full illustration.
No prior knowledge of IT, drawing or Procreate skills is required for the workshops! All you need an iPad and the Procreate App (Apple pencil optional. Styluses recommended.)
By the end of the six weekly workshops, you will know the basics of Procreate and be able to start inspirational artwork and develop your own drawing style.

June 23, 2018
Cost $4O for Members $50 Non-Members
Bob is a multi-award winning, popular selling artist, whose works are represented in private and corporate
collections in Australia and overseas and is in demand for private commissions, demonstrations and workshops
to art groups and community organisations.
He tutors locally in his Camden studio, and conducted his ArtCare Courier Service business for 15 years until
early 2012. He is an avid “en plein air” painter whenever time permits.
The workshop will consist of a step-by- step demonstration from one or two landscape photos with advice
on composition, tone and colour mixing.
If you have any queries please contact Bob Bob on 0412400837 or

June 20, 2018
John Strand is a retired mechanical engineer and has been painting on & off for the past 40 years. He studied
Art in the early 1960s and studied painting with various tutors over the past 15 years. He is and has been a
member with St George Art Society, Oatley 101, and Southern Cross Art Group. John has exhibited his work
with David Voigt and in many Sydney shows like RAS Easter Show, Oatley 101, Waterbrook/Ardency and
others. He has been fortunate enough to travel extensively throughout Australia, Asia, Canada, Europe and the
UK. This has given him a great insight into the culture and Art of these countries.
He has accumulated a lot of useful art information over the years and has collated it into a couple of
presentations titled “Helpful Tips”.
John will attempt to cover various topics including:
Tone – 5 tone black & white, 7 tone colour, Tonal values, Recession, The colour of light,
Using colour pigments, Colour Index numbers, Mixing tips, Transposition & sizes,
Eye Level & horizons, Perspective, and Mediums.
April 18, 2018
Michael Rogers will be demonstrating in Water Mixable Oils. This new medium is said to offer artists a fascinating alternative to the conventional oils. Michael started painting in 1988. He is a member of Friends of Hazelhurst, Southern Cross Art Group, Continuum Art Society and Bankstown Art Society.
He sometimes paints “en plein air” with his fellow artists, but mostly in his home studio, “Kurrajong”. His favoured media are oils, acrylics and pen and wash. He paints landscapes, portraits, and abstracts. He has completed many commissions including two large external murals.

February 14, 2018
Cost $IO for Members $15 Non-Members
Tanner Tan migrated to Australia in 1981 and has settled in Illawong his wife and son. He islargely self-taught, although in Australia, Tanner has undertaken classes at the Center Paddington Art School renowned Julian Ashton Art School. He specialises in the watercolour medium.
Tanner has won numerous awards for his work. Notable achievements include the John Upton Watercolour Award from the St George Art Society and multiple prizes at the Oatley 101 Society of Artists Annual Exhibitions. He has won first prize in both mixed media and watercolour sections at the 2010 Waterbrook (Yowie Bay) Senior Art Competition, as well as receiving a commendation award at the 2011 Combined Art Societies of Sydney's Annual Exhibition. In 2016 he was the winner of the works on paper mixed media section at Oatley 101 Society of Artists.
Many of Tanner's works decorate the walls of corporations and private collectors. He is an active participant in art exhibitions conducted by schools, art society and charitable organisations and also provide demonstration and workshops with various art societies across Sydney. Tanner has been the featured artist at several exhibitions, including the Engadine Boys Town Art Show and Festival of Kurnell Art Show.
October 18, 2017
Cost $IO for Members $15 Non-Members
Bob Gurney was born in Sydney in 1944 and resides at Camden, NSW. Drawing since early childhood, copying his favourite comic heroes & characters, and making his own private comic strips, he continued to draw portraits and the world around him.
After attending a Life Drawing and Lettering courses at East Sydney Technical College (now the National Art School) from the age of sixteen, he commenced occasional sign writing, drawing portraits, city and landscapes, and animals up to 1991 before finally taking up the brush. He then commenced portraiture and still life painting for several years in oils and acrylics under the tuition of Archibald and Doug Moran finalist Dave Thomas.
He has since been tutored by (whom he considers), some of the best and renowned Traditional and Representational Australian artists, and regularly attends workshops to learn the various mediums and continually hone his technical knowledge.Proficient in oils, acrylics, drawing and pen & wash; Bob’s work now consists mainly of land and seascapes, with occasional human and animal portraiture, in which he has developed a realist approach.
Bob is the Arts Coordinator, Vice President, and co-founder of the Macarthur Art Group (2006); a member of the Friends of Campbelltown Arts Centre (previously the Campbelltown City Bicentennial Art Gallery); Oatley 101 Society of Artists Inc., Liverpool Art Society, and was a major participant in the painting of Miss Llewella Davies OAM for the Camden Council Peoplescape project in 2001.
He has held a two-man exhibition at the Upstairs Gallery in Gallery Art Studios (Emily Cottage), Campbelltown; an eight-person exhibition at Campbelltown Arts Centre, and exhibits regularly in art exhibitions locally and nationwide.